Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Financial Policy Revision

This is the last week of my assignment with WAR. The speed at which things move along here is...not very fast. After waiting a whole week, I finally got some feedback on my first draft of the financial policy today.

For the rest of the week, I'll be working on a few things:
1. Work on the financial policy revision according to the feedback
2. Write a report to WUSC outlining the work I have done here
3. Continue to help with donor report reconciliation if time permits

In a way, I am looking forward to wrapping up this project. My terribly short attention span is demanding to be entertained. On the other hand, I feel that there is so much I can do here that I really want to stay longer.

1 comment:

Angela Pan said...

There is also so much you can do here!:P We are all looking forward to your return to rescue us!